Ultrapure's Aloe Vera Gel is soothing and cooling on skin.
Aloe vera is a perennial, succulent plant (meaning its leaves hold large quantities of water). The plant can grow up to 4 feet tall, and its tough, fleshy, spear-like leaves can grow up to 36 inches long. The clear, thick gel is found in the inner part of the leaf. Aloe Vera gel is colourless and odourless.
Apply gently to the skin with clean, dry hands. Keep out of reach of children. For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes, if contact occurs rinse / flush well with clean water. If irritation occurs, discontinue use If irritation persists seek medical advice.
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Costs: €5.95 for orders up to €55. Orders over €55 will receive free shipping
Timescale: 2-4 working days
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